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This is a project that organizes the libraries of Node.js that I used. Please refer to this linkfor detailed API information of Node.
Node modules
module name | Explanation |
os | A module that can get information from the operating system |
path | This is a module that helps to easily manipulate the paths of folders and files because the path separator is different for each operating system. |
url | This module helps you to easily manipulate Internet addresses. |
querystring | When using the url of an existing node instead of the url of the WHATWG method, this module makes the search part into an object that is easy to use. |
util | It provides various utility functions such as deprecate and promisify. |
worker_threads | Used when working with nodes in a multi-threaded manner. |
child_process | This module is used when executing other programs or executing commands on the node. |
fs | Abbreviation for file system, you can access the file system to create, delete, read and write files. |
event | This module is used to create events. |
http2 | This module is for using the http2 server. This is an improved version of http/1.1 and request and response. |
cluster | A module that allows a node operating as a single process to use all CPU cores. |
readline | A module that provides an interface for reading data one line at a time. |
process | This module manages the current process. |
npm package
package name | Explanation |
express | It is a web server framework that adds additional functions to the request and response objects of the http module. (There are also types such as koa and hapi.) |
morgan | You can view additional logs in addition to the existing logs. It is convenient to see requests and responses at a glance. |
cookie-parser | Interprets the cookies enclosed in the request into a req.cookies object. |
express-session | As a middleware for session management, it is useful when implementing a session for reasons such as login or temporarily storing data for a specific user. |
multer | This middleware is used to upload various files including images and videos in multipart format. |
dotenv | Package to manage process.env |
pug | A template engine similar to Ruby. |
nunjucks | It is a template engine with similar syntax to Python’s Twig. |
sequelize | It is a package classified as an ORM that maps JavaScript objects and relationships between databases. |
sequelize-cli | This is a package for executing sequencing commands. |
mysql2 | It is a driver that connects MySQL and Sequelize. |
bcrypt | It is a package that encrypts and decrypts text. |
passport | Used for user authentication, such as login. |
jsonwebtoken | Token-based authentication for authenticating and identifying users. |
axios | It is an HTTP asynchronous communication library that utilizes the Promise API, which is an API for flexibly handling asynchronous processing for browsers and Node.js. |
CORS | It is an abbreviation for Cross Origin Resource Sharing. It is a package that blocks the API for security reasons by the browser when the client requests it to a server with a different domain and port. |
express-rate-limit | A package that allows you to limit the number of incoming requests from one IP address per unit time. |
UUID | Abbreviation for Universally Unique IDentifier, which is used by the server to distinguish users by attaching UUIDs. |
ms | You can easily convert various time formats to milliseconds. |
WS | The client and server can send and receive data to each other without disconnecting and maintaining the connection. | | It is a websocket implementation like ws, but it is a better choice when considering cross-browser compatibility or backward compatibility. |
EventSource | A package that makes a persistent connection to an http server. |
node-schedule | You can schedule it and run it. |
sse | It is an abbreviation for Server Sent Events, and is a package that streams data from the server in real time. |
schtasks | Causes commands and programs to run periodically or at specific times. |
commander | A package for receiving input values and operating them using cli |
inquirer | It enables interactive communication with users. |
chalk | This is a package that colorizes cmd. |