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spring log

Spring library I used before


 Aug 15, 2022


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node.js log

Node.js library I used before


 Aug 15, 2022


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This is a project that organizes the libraries of Node.js that I used. Please refer to this linkfor detailed API information of Node.

Node modules

module nameExplanation
osA module that can get information from the operating system
pathThis is a module that helps to easily manipulate the paths of folders and files because the path separator is different for each operating system.
urlThis module helps you to easily manipulate Internet addresses.
querystringWhen using the url of an existing node instead of the url of the WHATWG method, this module makes the search part into an object that is easy to use.
utilIt provides various utility functions such as deprecate and promisify.
worker_threadsUsed when working with nodes in a multi-threaded manner.
child_processThis module is used when executing other programs or executing commands on the node.
fsAbbreviation for file system, you can access the file system to create, delete, read and write files.
eventThis module is used to create events.
http2This module is for using the http2 server. This is an improved version of http/1.1 and request and response.
clusterA module that allows a node operating as a single process to use all CPU cores.
readlineA module that provides an interface for reading data one line at a time.
processThis module manages the current process.

npm package

package nameExplanation
expressIt is a web server framework that adds additional functions to the request and response objects of the http module. (There are also types such as koa and hapi.)
morganYou can view additional logs in addition to the existing logs. It is convenient to see requests and responses at a glance.
cookie-parserInterprets the cookies enclosed in the request into a req.cookies object.
express-sessionAs a middleware for session management, it is useful when implementing a session for reasons such as login or temporarily storing data for a specific user.
multerThis middleware is used to upload various files including images and videos in multipart format.
dotenvPackage to manage process.env
pugA template engine similar to Ruby.
nunjucksIt is a template engine with similar syntax to Python’s Twig.
sequelizeIt is a package classified as an ORM that maps JavaScript objects and relationships between databases.
sequelize-cliThis is a package for executing sequencing commands.
mysql2It is a driver that connects MySQL and Sequelize.
bcryptIt is a package that encrypts and decrypts text.
passportUsed for user authentication, such as login.
jsonwebtokenToken-based authentication for authenticating and identifying users.
axiosIt is an HTTP asynchronous communication library that utilizes the Promise API, which is an API for flexibly handling asynchronous processing for browsers and Node.js.
CORSIt is an abbreviation for Cross Origin Resource Sharing. It is a package that blocks the API for security reasons by the browser when the client requests it to a server with a different domain and port.
express-rate-limitA package that allows you to limit the number of incoming requests from one IP address per unit time.
UUIDAbbreviation for Universally Unique IDentifier, which is used by the server to distinguish users by attaching UUIDs.
msYou can easily convert various time formats to milliseconds.
WSThe client and server can send and receive data to each other without disconnecting and maintaining the connection.
socket.ioIt is a websocket implementation like ws, but it is a better choice when considering cross-browser compatibility or backward compatibility.
EventSourceA package that makes a persistent connection to an http server.
node-scheduleYou can schedule it and run it.
sseIt is an abbreviation for Server Sent Events, and is a package that streams data from the server in real time.
schtasksCauses commands and programs to run periodically or at specific times.
commanderA package for receiving input values ​​and operating them using cli
inquirerIt enables interactive communication with users.
chalkThis is a package that colorizes cmd.
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Python log

Python library I used before


 Aug 15, 2022


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